August 8, 2008

Bros with Balls

So... I created this blog to show artwork but I've been so busy getting MARRIED that I haven't really done a lot of art.

But I did want to post this sweet picture from my bachelor party taken by my buddy Sheldon from work, and also let anyone who happens to come across this blog know that I've started a Flickr account and will be putting up some pics from this year, mainly that bowling night, our honeymoon in Yosimite, and documentation of my frickin' sweet mustache that I had to toss before my wife agreed to be my wife.
Look at some pictures!

Also, my sister Julianna has been keeping a really good log of the wedding happenings on her blog. I thought about putting some wedding stuff up here but I figured she was doing such a good job I might as well direct anyone interested in the wedding to her blog instead.
So check her out!

Hopefully some time soon I'll have some bits of creative business to show off. In the mean time, enjoy the pictures.

...Did I just tell you to check out my sister?