October 28, 2012

Chipotle Fail

Chipotle is great because the burritos taste delicious and they're big enough to split.  
Chipotle is not great because the burrito engineers are sometimes unreliable and prepare pathetic, half-sized wannabe burritos that make you sad.

"SF" normally stands for Steak Fajita, but today it stood for Size Fail.

Cameras are for animals!

We got a new camera last weekend.  I wanted a DSLR and my wife wanted something that wouldn't weigh twenty pounds and end up costing thousands of dollars after my obsession with zoom lenses took over.  We came to a very nice compromise and ended up with a really nice point-and-shoot with the craziest zoom I've ever seen.  We took it to the Safari Park yesterday to try it out and had a lovely time.  The results aren't necessarily award-winning photographs, but for casual day at the zoo pictures, I think they're pretty cool.  And, really, I'm more excited about the potential than anything.