September 6, 2010

Ups, Downs, and All Arounds.

It's been a while. In the last few months I've finished storyboads on The Grove, gone on a few little trips around California, applied for jobs and heard nothing, taken on some freelance work, and rewritten The Grove completely. Well, not completely, but the story has gone through quite a few changes since I finished the storyboards and at this point I'm not sure how many of the changes actually help. The creative proccess is kind of depressing that way. Never the less, the changes ARE exciting as far as I'm concerned, and since being excited about a project beats feeling depressed and defeated about it, my free time has been spent putting energy into developing the fun parts while ignoring the problems and hoping that they'll just work themselves out. That's a healthy attitude, right?

I'll be posting some of the new developements soon, but to start out, howabout some more Grover colors? I think I've narrowed it down. I basically took the Do Re Mi from the last post and cooled down the dark orange and warmed up the yellow. My wife likes the second row, I think I prefer the first. Those two are so close though that it might just depend on the lighting. You really could get away with saying that the top row is just the middle row under an umbrella on a foggy day. (And, actually, the blue one IS the same color.) So I think it's safe to say that the final models will end up looking a lot like those.


Julianna said...

I like the top one. Mostly because I think the center ones are slightly girlier colors...

Jacob C. said...

They are kind of sherbety, aren't they? Good call.